A downloadable game

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The game is about the case of The “Revenge Mother”.

Marianne Bachmeier lived a hard childhood in a conservative house. At the age of 16, she had her first child, which is placed in adoption. At 18, she got pregnant a second time. And while she was pregnant, she got raped. The second child was also placed in adoption.

At 22, she got pregnant with Anna. And this time, she decided to keep her and raise her alone. Working long hour in the pub (bar),  Marianne treats Anna as a little adult, what her friend often say. And frequently, Anna slept at the bar while her mother is working.
We can say that Marianne Bachmeier wasn’t the best mother.

On 5 May 1980,

After a dispute with her mother, Anna, which was 7 years old, skipped school and went to her neighbor that she has visited before to play with his cat. And it was the last time that her mother has seen her alive. 
This neighbor raped and killed Anna.

Before the trial

The neighbor said that Anna try to seduce him and to extort money from him. This was the reason why he strangles her to death.

On the third day of the trial, during the trial

Marianne hide a gun into the courtroom, and fatally shot the killer. 
Then, lowered her gun and was stopped without resistance.


The day before the death of Anna, where Marianne Bachmeier is working in the pub. 
Press E to interact with NPC.

Press E to” serve” beer: put in the machine and to serve customer.

Press F to “collect” beer: from machine and from customer.

-->Clean Glass---Beer Dispenser-->Beer---Customer-->Dirty Glass---Clean sink-->

*All the assets and arts are from me

Feedback (for myself):

I overscoped the game, and didn’t start very quick.  I would want to do different days, and one with Anna as the character to moved, and like to have the training shooting of Marianne in the basement, but can’t with my ability. But I finished something playable! (Should upload more earlier). Learned a lot! It is my first try of 2D game in unity and first online game jam. And second game jam. I started to learn to code Game development by my own from January 1st 2024.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

RevengeMother_OneDayBeforeAll.zip 26 MB

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